Welcome to the
West Grantham Group of Villages

We are a Group of 7 Churches (Barrowby, Gt Gonerby, Denton, Harlaxton, Stroxton, Woolsthorpe and Wyville) committed to serving God and the people of our villages.

We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Whether you are new to faith, new to the area or simply looking for a church, whatever your situation we hope you will soon feel part of the family. Find out more about our churches below and discover some helpful ways to connect and belong. If you are looking for information about weddings or baptisms please go to the tab at the top of the page titled 'Contact Us'.

For information about the individual churches please scroll down

"Loving and Living, Sharing and Growing"

What's Happening next

Click CALENDAR above for more services etc. 
Click an event below for more details

Wednesday 18th September
10:00am -
Saturday 21st September
10:00am - 12:30pm -
Sunday 22nd September
10:00am - 11:00am -
10:00am - 11:00am -
10:30am -
10:30am -

Small Groups 

A key part of our faith journey is meeting together in small, mid week groups. These groups give us a chance to grow in faith and friendship. In small groups we can encourage and support each other. There is a wide variety of groups and they meet across the West Grantham area so please join the group that you think will suit you! 

All Saints, Barrowby Small group-meets fortnightly, contact Annette for details

Bell Ringers, if you fancy learning to ring or already can, we would love you to join us. Harlaxton Bell Ringers contact Liz Carter
Barrowby Bell Ringers contact Melissa Blanchard 

Midweek Communion -1st Wednesday of the month in Denton,
2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays in Harlaxton contact Rev'd Sarah

Men's Study Group - Fortnightly, contact Peter Hopkins

Mothers Union - Our Mother's Union Group is based in Harlaxton but has members from the locality, contact Adrianne Taylor

Prayers of Healing - Barrowby, 2:00pmpm, 4th Wednesday of the month - contact Kate Waghorn

St Sebastian Small groups -Two groups meet in Great Gonerby. One meets fortnightly, contact Andy and Ann Dowie; and for the other group contact Rob Fieldson for information

DEEP DELVE - Starting Tuesday 11th June, fortnightly at 7pm for June, July August only - contact Simon Aston - Simon Aston

From time to time we run other small groups too like Alpha (contact Rev'd Sarah if you would like to know more) 

We also run special Advent and Lent groups, contact Rev'd Sarah for details of these.


Community Events

First Friday of each month - Gt Gonerby Church
COFFEE MORNING - 10:00am to 12:00

Third Thursday of each month - Barrowby Church
JIGSAW & PUZZLES CLUB - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Third Saturday of each month - Harlaxton Church



Handbell Ringing at Harlaxton

Our new BIshop - Stephen - addressing the crowds after his enthronement

Dates for your diary in June

1st June, 2:00pm to 5;00pm St Catherine Wyville has a Flower Festival with scones and tea in the village hall. Come along and enjoy the flowers then have a cup of tea and scone!

8th to 16th June is Big Green Week
The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. We plan to have outside services on Sunday 9th June and there are other events happening in our churches so keep an eye out for local events.

Sunday 30th June is a 5th Sunday and it's our annual West Grantham Group of Villages Big Get Together! This is a chance for the whole group to worship and eat together. On this Sunday there will be one service at All Saint's in Barrowby and then a meal afterwards (details to follow).

Deep Delve

June also sees us depart from the lectionary for our Sunday scripture readings through June, July and August and delve into the Book of Romans. The writer J. I. Packer said about Romans: “All roads in the Bible lead to Romans, and all views afforded by the Bible are seen most clearly from Romans, and when the message of Romans gets into a person's heart there is no telling what may happen.”
So this a book well worth delving into, there are some challenges but I pray that God will guide us through to a deeper faith.
We will also be giving people the chance to discuss the book in small groups so please speak to a Church warden who can put you in touch with small group leaders if you are not already part of a small group. 

Catch up on what's happening

Header Text

Sarah's Video Message

Have you seen our new GALLERY menu item? Do you have some photos of church activities that we can use? If so, then please send them to John Bruce for inclusion. BUT, before you do so please check with the individuals on the photograph(s) that you have their permission to publish it, thanks.

Barrowby All Saints

Welcome to All Saints ChurchFacebook

If you are thinking of visiting or moving to our village or would like to join us for worship or community events at our church, here is some information about us that you might find helpful.

We aim to provide a warm welcome to everyone who comes to our church and look forward to meeting you. 

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Gt Gonerby St Sebastian

Welcome to St Sebastian’s ChurchFacebook

St Sebastian's Church has been at the centre of Great Gonerby village since Saxon times. Today we are a warm, friendly and informal Church with a heart to connect with all. We pray, we learn, we sing and enjoy cake! Come and join us!

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Harlaxton St Mary & St Peter

Welcome to St Mary & St Peter's ChurchFacebook

Here at Harlaxton Church we offer a heartfelt, warm welcome in our loving and prayerful community with a variety of services that are centred on reading and understanding the Bible. Our beautiful Church building is open daily from 9.30am to 4pm for anyone who would like to visit, pray, or find sanctuary and purpose in a busy and confusing world. 

More …      Weekly News   Grantham PassageCeltic Readings

Denton St Andrew

Welcome to St Andrew's Church

St Andrew's is a busy well-loved church and its events are well supported by the village. It is a grade 1 listed building with several special memorials to the Blythe and Welby families. The Church comes to life with well supported seasonal events like Harvest, Christmas Carols, Summer Lunches, Coffee mornings and of course the well renowned Denton Street Market each May!

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Stroxton All Saints

Welcome to All Saints Church

All Saint's Stroxton is a much loved Church surrounded by amazing views! The local community all pull together to keep this building open for people to come and worship, pray quietly or just find a moment of peace amongst the beauty that surrounds this Church.

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Woolsthorpe St James

Welcome to St James' Church

 St James the Greater sits boldly within the village of  Woolsthorpe-by-Belvoir as a comforting reminder of Our Lord's constant presence. Within weathered walls here is peace and beauty; alive in spirit (alongside God's creatures ... bats, birds, bees, butterflies, cats ...)

Come and see, you will be blessed! 

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Wyville St Catherine

Welcome to St Catherine's Church

St Catherine's 'on the Hill' may only have been built about 100 years ago but since ancient times there has been a place of worship here. It is a small, holy place where you can feel the stillness and the presence of the sacred.


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Today's Bible Quotation

Walk in Love

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.
Ephesians 5:1
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